Bring me the Horizon + Bad Omens

Bring me the Horizon + Bad Omens

O2 Arena, 21st January 2024.

Bad Omens

After a transport-related nightmare, sadly missing Static Dress I got to the venue just in time to see Bad Omens’ set and I’m so glad I did. Despite the lack of intimacy you get from an arena show they still managed to fill the room, and I heard people around me who were new to their music looking them up and making notes to listen later!

They’re actually the main reason I bought a ticket to the gig, as I’ve seen BMTH once before. I’ve had their award winning album The Death of Peace of Mind basically on loop since it was released.

Bring Me The Horizon

I love the way BMTH can write tracks which are absolute pop bangers, but also include elements from metal. If their track LosT was slightly less shouty you could tell me it was something new from One Direction, and I'd absolutely believe you!


BMTH playing LosT on stage at the O2 Arena

Similar to when I saw them last, their stage setup had them backlit by an overwhelming amount of LED wall covering the whole stage area, with a lot of attention to detail put into the graphics.

Metal Menu on Instagram: “Bad Omens supporting BMTH in January @badomensofficial They’re actually the main reason I bought a ticket to the gig too as I’ve seen BMTH once before. I’ve had their Heavy Music Award winning album The Death of Peace of Mind basically on loop since it was released. After a transport-related nightmare, I got to the venue just in time to see Bad Omens’ set and I’m so glad I did. Despite the lack of intimacy you get from an arena show they still managed to fill the room, and I heard people around me who were new to their music looking them up and making notes to listen later! 21st Jan 2024. — #metal #london #gig #livemusic #concert #review #metalcore #o2arena #music #rock #badomens”
20 likes, 0 comments - metalmenu on March 5, 2024: “Bad Omens supporting BMTH in January @badomensofficial They’re actually the main reason I bought a ticket to the gig too as I’ve seen BMTH once before. I’ve had their Heavy Music Award winning album The Death of Peace of Mind basically on loop since it was released. After a transport-related nightmare, I got to the venue just in time to see Bad Omens’ set and I’m so glad I did. Despite the lack of intimacy you get from an arena show they still managed to fill the room, and I heard people around me who were new to their music looking them up and making notes to listen later! 21st Jan 2024. — #metal #london #gig #livemusic #concert #review #metalcore #o2arena #music #rock #badomens”.